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Protection of personal information

What are the risks for organizations that fail to comply with Quebec’s Bill 25?

By Aicha Tohry, Privacy Lawyer

Failing to comply with Quebec’s Bill 25, also known as « An Act to Modernize Legislative Provisions Respecting the Protection of Personal Information, » can expose organizations to various risks and consequences. Here are some potential risks associated with non-compliance:

  1. Legal and Regulatory Penalties: Non-compliance with Bill 25 can result in significant legal and regulatory penalties. The Act provides authorities with the power to impose administrative monetary penalties for violations. These penalties can be substantial, depending on the nature and severity of the non-compliance. Organizations may face fines, monetary sanctions, or other legal consequences. 
  2. Reputational Damage: Failure to comply with privacy regulations can damage an organization’s reputation. News of privacy breaches or non-compliance can spread quickly and erode public trust. Negative publicity, loss of customer confidence, and damage to brand reputation can have long-lasting impacts on an organization’s success and relationships with stakeholders.
  3. Loss of Customer Trust: Non-compliance with Bill 25 can lead to a loss of customer trust and loyalty. In today’s data-driven world, individuals are increasingly concerned about the privacy and security of their personal information. If an organization fails to protect personal information or comply with privacy regulations, customers may choose to disengage, seek alternative providers, or file complaints.
  4. Increased Data Breach Risks: Non-compliance with privacy laws often correlates with an increased risk of data breaches. Inadequate security measures, improper handling of personal information, or insufficient data protection practices can make organizations more vulnerable to cyberattacks, unauthorized access, or accidental disclosures. Data breaches can result in financial losses, legal liabilities, and reputational damage.
  5. Legal Liabilities and Lawsuits: Failure to comply with privacy regulations can expose organizations to legal liabilities and lawsuits. Individuals affected by privacy breaches or non-compliance may seek legal recourse, resulting in legal actions, litigation costs, and potential compensation claims. Organizations may also face class-action lawsuits if a significant number of individuals are impacted.
  6. Business Disruption and Remediation Costs: Dealing with the aftermath of non-compliance can disrupt normal business operations and incur substantial costs. Remediation efforts, such as conducting investigations, implementing security enhancements, providing breach notifications, and managing legal proceedings, can be time-consuming and expensive.
  7. Loss of Competitive Advantage: Compliance with privacy regulations is becoming an essential aspect of good corporate governance. Organizations that fail to meet these requirements may face a competitive disadvantage compared to compliant counterparts. Non-compliance can hinder business opportunities, partnerships, and contracts, as many organizations prioritize working with trusted and privacy-conscious partners.
  8. Regulatory Scrutiny and Audits: Non-compliance can trigger regulatory scrutiny and audits. Authorities may conduct investigations to assess an organization’s compliance with privacy laws, request documentation, interview employees, and perform assessments. This can lead to additional costs, resource allocation, and potential disruption to day-to-day operations.

It is important for organizations to understand the obligations outlined in Bill 25, implement appropriate privacy practices, and ensure ongoing compliance to mitigate these risks. Seeking legal counsel or privacy experts can provide guidance on specific compliance requirements and help organizations establish robust privacy frameworks.


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